Back to School
Back to school is hard for everyone. For children with learning disabilities the thought of going back to somewhere that you stress and struggle is extra hard. For the few weeks leading up to school my children begin to stress and worry about what the new year will bring. I had the opportunity to share some of the things I do to help my children with Janice and Susan, the amazing ladies behind www.5minutesformom.com.
Routine is key!
This is probably one of the biggest tips. A few days after the end of school in June I tried to get my daughter to read and she started crying saying it was so hard and she had worked so much in school she needed a break. The break ended up being most of summer and a few weeks before I had to get her back into the habit of reading every day. Thankfully I did because those first days reading were painful and if she had to struggle like that in school she would have not been very happy.
Don’t miss any of the tips that will help make the transition back to school easier for your children with learning disabilities. Read the full story here.
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Check out other 5MinutesforMom.com articles I wrote here:
Traveling with ADHD? 5 Secrets To A Relaxing Family Vacation Even If Your Child Has ADHD