5 Tips for Raising Strong Girls

strong confident girl

As a girl my mother tried to instill confidence and strength and a feeling that I can do anything. She tried to raise me as a strong girl. Over time that childlike confidence and ‘can-do’ attitude was chipped away by society. Mostly mean girls on the playground and what I thought people expected of me.  I don’t want my little girl to grow up thinking that what people want or expect is more important than who they are or what they want out of life. I want to make sure I raised a confident strong girl.

strong confident girl
strong confident girl
strong confident girl

Recently I got to write a story for TheKoalaMom.com to share some of tips you can use to help your daughters grow as a strong confident girls into an empowered young women.

Don’t miss any tips and check out the full story here.

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Looking for other ways to inspire your kids?

Check out these books to inspires kids to travel.


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About the author

Paige McEachren

Paige McEachren worked for 15+ years as a Corporate Communications Manager for world-leading technology and Pharmaceutical companies until she decided to leave the workplace and stay at home to help her two kids navigate life.