We love a good party. Birthdays, holidays or just because, we love a party! And what party is complete without party games? Nothing is better than having party games that kids and parents can play together too right? Who am I kidding. We LOVE party games and now that the kids are getting a bit older it just means we can play together now. Although for some reason my kids don’t want to karaoke with me!
If you are a hockey mom like me, then you are always looking for some activity that can keep kids entertained and is easy to do. Not always easy to do, especially with parents and coaches that you may not know that well and have varied levels of involvement and physical abilities.
Well have I got some good ones for you!
Here are some games that take little effort, little supplies, and is great for all ages!
1. Tea Party
Tea Party is a fun game that requires few supplies. It also is not physically difficult so it’s great for all ages. You simply attach a tea bag by string to each side of the bill of a baseball cap. Use duct tape or strong tape because some people can get a little crazy and really into the game!
Supplied Needed:
- 2 ball caps
- tea bags
- duct tape or strong tape.
The player must get both teabags on the lip of their cap without using their hands in under 60 seconds.
NOTE: have extra teabags and tape on hand. Whenever we have played teabags have fallen off.
2. Face the Cookie
Face the Cookie is one of my kids favorite games. Perhaps because we never have store bought cookies around and also because there is usually extra cookies left after playing.

Supplied Needed:
- Cookies! Oreos work great for this game, but you can really use any you like. I would suggest they be round shape.
The player starts with a cookie on their forehead. They must move the cookie from their forehead to their mouth without using their hands. If the cookie falls they can re-start with a cookie on their forehead again. This can be played in a minute or as first person to eat cookie!
3. Tissue Box Twerk a.k.a. “Junk in the Trunk”
This is to be one of our funniest games we have EVER played. And not just because my large burly husband loves to show off his twerking skills! It’s something that everyone has a good laugh at. Junk in the Trunk Minute to Win it game is played best if players have enough space. After my husband used a table to hold onto (& won) we also had to put in a rule that you couldn’t hold onto anything!
Supplied Needed:
- Empty tissue boxes
- rope to tie box around waist
- Ping pong or wiffle balls (best if there’s 10 per box)
Players start with a box full of light balls tied around their waist. A good variation if you have younger kids is to put feathers in the box instead!
4. Balloon Pyramid Stack Up
Balloon Pyramid Stack Up is a game kids love! Adults like it too, but if playing with adults I suggest using folding tables so adults don’t have to be bending over on the floor!
Supplied Needed:
- balloons
- 6 cups per team. If you have the space you could do 4 or 5 teams at one time!
Two teams start with 6 plastic solo cups on a line and kids need to transport them to another point and stack them into a pyramid. The fun part is that they CANNOT touch the cups with hands. You have to use a balloon that you inflate inside the cup and while it’s inflated you lift the cup to move it.

5. Separation Anxiety
Kids love to play with candy right? Separation Anxiety is the game where kids get to play with candy. You may want to have extra candy on hand because kids have a tendency to eat the party game supplies!
Supplied Needed:
- Candies such as M&M, Smarties or Skittles.
- One larger glass or bowl to put mixed candies in.
- 5-6 disposable plastic drinking glasses (depends on what type of candy and how many colors there are).
Players have a pile of candies on table in front of them and clear plastic glasses. With one hand behind their back the player must separate all the colors into separate glasses. You can do this to see who can do it under a minute, or you can do it timed to see who can sepsrate the same amount of candy in the shortest time.
6. Punch Wall
Got extra foam core left over from hockey games or science fair projects? This is a great place to use it! We player this game for the first time at my daughter’s 9th birthday party. I kept the foam core with the circles to use again for other parties! For her year end hockey game we are going to play a quick game to decide on who goes first and each girl will get to punch out a window to get a candy prize!

Here is a picture tutorial on how to make your own.
7. Plastic Wrap Ball
This game probably requires the most preparation. But once it’s ready it is also great fun for a large group of kids.

Supplied Needed:
- Plastic Wrap… a LOT OF IT!
- Oven mitts
- Small prizes, candies, notebooks, gift cards, you can really use anything!
Unwrap the plastic and find the prizes! There are a lot of ways you can take turns, the easiest we found is the person to the right of the plastic wrap ball rolls 2 dice until they get doubles. Once they do they take oven mitts, put them on, take the ball and start unwrapping. Whatever prizes unwrap during their turn they get to keep!
Did we mention you are unwrapping the ball wearing oven mitts on your hands? That kind of ups the difficulty level!
8. Suck It Up…. kind of
This game is a variation on the Minute to Win it ‘Suck it Up‘ game. Since we were playing with kids we decided to modify the game. Instead of trying to balance the candies on straws, you only have to move them from one plate to another.

Supplied Needed:
- Straws, one per person
- Candies, either smarties, M&M or whatever round-ish candies you like
- paper plates, or glass plates to put the candy on
Players start with an empty plate in front of them and an plate full of candy equally between all the players. With a straw in their mouth they suck in air with straw over the candy and pick up one candy and transport it from the plate in the middle onto theirs. The winner is whoever puts the most candy on their plate, without using their hands, in 60 seconds.
9. Potato Panty Hose Game
Potato Panty Hose Game is a game where parents with a dirtier mind may find it funnier! Kids tend to like the game more because they are generally more agile and tend to play the game better!

Supplied Needed:
- Potato per person (it’s a good idea to have a few extras)
- Pair of pantyhose per person (again good to have a few extras)
- Extra item to move from one point to another OR solo cups to try & knock down
- painters tape – this makes it easier to have a start and finish point
Players start with pantyhose with a potato in one of the legs wrapped around their waist. They start at one end and either try to move a potato from one point to another or try to knock down cups in front of them. For younger kids knocking over the cups may be easier.
Some variations can be to have the potato hanging behind you or have the pantyhose on your head.

10. And last but not least… Karaoke
This is a favorite for everyone! Thanks to modern apps, wireless microphones and bluetooth speakers you can have a karaoke party pretty much anywhere!
It’s VERY important that you pick songs that all age groups can sing along with. Some of our favorites are Pour some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard, My Sharona by The Knack, or Lynyrd Skynrd’s Sweet home Alabama. Sadly, a lot of the modern music lyrics aren’t quite as easy to sing along with.
The YouTube Karaoke Channel is a great help to get the party started!
What are your favorite Party Games? Let us know in the comments below.