He’s back. As much as my kids love him, when it rolls closer to December 1st I start to dread the return of our ‘Elf on the Shelf’ Tattoo Caillou (my kids picked the name).

Photo courtesy: Kathryn Langdon-Burton
He keeps coming back every year, much to my children’s pleasure. Every year he brings candies, toys, gifts of pajama’s and more. He play pranks, hides and even teaches them science. Through all this, my kids just seem to take it and everything they have been given for granted. My kids are fortunate. They have a roof over their head, food in their bellies and we are fortunate enough to afford them to play sports with private coaches and road trip tournaments. With all that I can’t help feeling my kids are the kids from a Christmas movie… the ungrateful kids before they have been shown the Christmas spirit!
So ENOUGH! Instead of rewarding my kids, Tattoo Caillou was going to get them to start giving back!

Photo courtesy: Kathryn Langdon-Burton
Early on Tattoo Caillou could see that my kids needed to find the Christmas spirit, so he brought them a ‘Good Deeds Advent Calendar. The first week of December he brought it to the kids and they were allowed to make up the days they missed or switch them out for ones later in the month. Each day my kids were tasked with doing a good deed for someone else. As I mentioned they play a lot of sports, so sometimes it was hard to find the time to do all the deeds, but they made up for any missed throughout the week on the weekends.
You don’t need an elf on the shelf to do good deeds. You can download the Good Deeds Advent Calendar here and share it with your family.
Does your elf on the shelf bring a holiday advent calendar?