Queensland Meals on Wheels Enterprise Agreement 2014

The parties agree that the preferred method of access to annual leave is an agreement between the employer and the employee. If the employer and employee cannot agree, the employer can decide when the leave is taken. The employee must be informed in writing for at least 14 days that he will communicate his date of annual leave. Full-time employees who have accumulated at all locations except Greenslope ADO prior to 8/29/2011 will maintain this Agreement unless they request otherwise in writing to their supervisor. The continued accumulation of ADO for these full-time employees can only be eliminated by agreement between the employer and the employee. 3.4.9 If management rejects a regular casual worker`s request for conversion, the employer must inform the casual employee in writing of the reasons for management`s rejection within 21 days of the request. If the employee does not agree to management`s rejection, this constitutes a dispute that will be addressed as part of the dispute resolution process in this Agreement. As part of this procedure, the employee or management may refer the matter to the Fair Work Board if the dispute cannot be resolved at the workplace level. The Parties recognise that the initiatives contained in this Agreement must be implemented through an open consultation process for the Agreement to be successful. 5.12.2 Notwithstanding clause 5.12.1, by agreement between the employer and the employee(s) concerned, the 2 breaks may be combined into a rest period of 20 minutes to be taken in the first part of normal working time, with this 20-minute rest and the meal break arranged in such a way that the normal working time is divided into approximately equal 3 working hours. The employee must start with the new location within 3 months of leaving the previous location. If this does not happen, all entitlements to annual and/or long-term leave to which the employee is entitled will be paid and the employment relationship will be terminated, unless otherwise agreed in writing before leaving the previous employer.

5.13.4 Unless otherwise agreed and subject to paragraphs 5.2.2(c) (ODA) and 5.14.2 (amendment of the list by agreement), all work performed during an employee`s accrued day of leave will be paid twice. NB: Rates of pay above the rates set out in this Agreement for Level 6 management positions may be negotiated on an individual basis, but only at the discretion of management. For GPH employees whose employment began before the approval of this agreement by the FWC notice: 1. A vacation period to deal with domestic and domestic violence may be less than one day by agreement between the employee and the employer. d) Banking transactions of more than 5 ADO may, in special circumstances, be agreed in writing between the employer and the employee with the written agreement indicating the date on which the ADO must be resumed. (i) the terms of the company agreement as amended by the agreement; alternatively, by agreement, the fees (other than meal allowance) that the employee receives for participation in jury service are paid to the employer, and the employer continues to pay the employee his or her normal salary for the period when the employee was absent from jury service. 3.4.2 A regular casual worker is a casual worker who has worked continuously for the preceding 12 months of an hourly trend that the employee could continue to practice as a full-time or part-time employee in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement without significant adjustment. Instead of receiving payment, employees may be allowed, with the consent of the employer, to be duty-free for a period equal to the duration of their participation in these meetings. This period of attendance shall not be considered as overtime for the purposes of this Agreement.

(a) The agreed number of ordinary minimum hours per fourteen days may be changed only by mutual agreement. This agreed deviation from the weekly working time will be recorded in writing. This clause shall apply to all administrative personnel covered by this Agreement, including casual and temporary workers. Scheme A contains the provisions under which a voluntary 12-hour shift may be performed. 5.9.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the employee and the employer, all employees have at least 10 consecutive hours of leave between shifts. Such an agreement may be terminated at any time by either party in writing with 7 days` notice. If such an agreement has been reached, no penalty will be payable as no 10-hour break has been taken. Provided that the maximum range of 12 hours within which normal working hours may be performed on a given day may be extended by a written agreement between the employer and the trade union concerned in all places other than GPH where no agreement can be reached between the employee and the employer to take an ADO, the employer must give at least 24 hours` notice that an ADO must be taken; provided that the employee is left with a balance of at least one ODA and that all previous agreements for the collection of special-purpose leave days are respected. Provided that in shifts exceeding 8 hours per day, these hours of work may be carried out only after written agreement between the employer and the employee: the normal rates of pay for adult workers employed by Greenslopes at the time of the beginning of this Agreement correspond to Annex C.

3.4.11 The conversion will take effect at the beginning of the next payment cycle, after such an agreement has been concluded, unless otherwise agreed. (f) If any of the holidays referred to in clause 6.11(a) falls on an employee`s ODA, the employee may, by mutual agreement between the employer and the employee, receive another full day of leave instead of that day or add a full day to that employee`s annual leave, or alternatively, a full day`s pay may be paid at normal rates in addition to the weekly wages. b) The request for leave will be communicated by the employee in due time. The employee will be informed in due course whether the leave will be approved or not. In the event of disagreement, the employer may require an employee to take long periods of leave by giving notice of the request for permanent leave three months in advance. A Hospital Advisory Team (HCT)/Local Advisory Committee (LCC) may be established in each hospital to implement and oversee the terms of this agreement. 3.7.1 An employer and an employee covered by this company agreement may agree to enter into an individual flexibility agreement to modify the effects of the terms of the contract if: provided that less than 4 weeks before the start of the annual leave can be communicated by agreement between the employer and the employee. (e) If there is an agreement between the majority of the employees of the undertaking concerned or the departments or sections concerned, or between an individual employee and the employer, and subject to the statutory limitation periods, the public holidays referred to in clause 6.11 may be replaced on normal working days other than Anzac Day and Labour Day: 2.2.8 If a provision of this Agreement provides for a substantial change in production, the program, organization, structure or technology relating to the Employer`s business shall not be deemed to apply to the requirements of paragraph 2.2.2(a) and subsections 2.2.3 and 2.2.5. .


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