The Best Holiday Gift Ideas for all – Shop local in Quebec

Looking for the best ideas for everyone on your gift list? I have some great ideas for, you AND you can source them locally.

Whether it’s the past 21 months of isolation, or my general dislike of being in public, but I have come to dread going into stores. Let’s be honest, I never liked people before and now, with all the improvements to online shopping I have now gotten used to shopping online. But then I stop and think… if I keep shopping online, what will happen when I need something now and those local shops aren’t there anymore because everyone got too lazy to go into a store (myself included)? So for the holidays I am trying to buy more local gifts – and the best thing is that most of the local shops that you love now have online shopping just like the big guys!

My favorite local holiday gift ideas

Before I begin, I think it’s important to note that this is NOT AN AD – I receive ZERO money (although if anyone wants to give me money, please reach out). These are items I have tried and businesses I feel need your support.

Something Sweet

The holidays for many people are FULL of sweets. But if your super busy, or perhaps just don’t like baking, you’ll can to check out Chocolata. Check out her Christmas Shop to order online, or pop into her new store (Sainte-Thérèse-de-Blainville) and show a local business owner some holiday love! My kids can’t say enough good things about her hot chocolate bombs and if you really want to spoil yourself order some brioche doughnuts!


Going back to one of my favorites, is Lady T from Tremblant. I spoke of her before in Mother’s Day Gift Ideas, but it’s because she has so many options I had to include her again. To be honest, she probably could have been mentioned for kids too, since she has a lot of options that are tisane (without caffine) that both my kids love.


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Self Care – Pamper Yourself

It’s so important to take care of yourself, especially around the holidays! Check out La Vie Nourrie for ideas on how to train your brain, feed your mind, and nourish your body. Whether it’s a natural deodorant that actually works or an amazing bath enhancer, her products will surely help you relax and prepare for the new year ahead.

Find Your Bliss with Essential Oils

Looking for ways to take away stress? Need to hide in your closet and change your mood? Well for me, I go to essential oils, a darkened room, and a yoga mat… or wine. If you choose the first, you’ll want to check out Bliss Essential by Erica Diamond. if your a mom looking for some serenity, they will become ‘essential’ to you… pun intended.

BBQ Quebec

The first time I bought something from BBQ Quebec they only had classes, a few meat rubs and an apron. Now they have an amazing selection, so you’ll find something for any meat lover or BBQ enthusiast. They offer both online and in-person classes, so you can take them from anywhere! My suggestion: Get a few dad friends together and send them off for a man date!


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For Kids: L’Ile Tire -Bouchon

If you follow this blog, you know we are a family who LOVE STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) experiences. My kids have ordered kiwi crates, electronics and computer kits for years. A lot of friends kids also love science, but the majority of kits are available in English only. L’Ile Tire-Bouchon is an interactive learning experience in 3 parts: immersive story , technical discovery and assembly of a prototype .

Check out their shop and you will find all kids of things your kids will love to build like a robotic arm, a banana boat or robotic elephant? Best thing is they only take 5 days to deliver!

Looking for local gift ideas in the West Island?

If your looking for things that are local to the West Island of Montreal, Tina of West Island Mommies shared a bunch of items on Global that you will want to check out.

So to recap shop local because:

  • We want our local stores to thrive
  • You need to get off your couch and get outside
  • If we lose our local stores and Amazon gets a monopoly we will be completely left to their whims… and pricing (yep there’s a bit of conspiracy theorist in me)!



About the author

Paige McEachren

Paige McEachren worked for 15+ years as a Corporate Communications Manager for world-leading technology and Pharmaceutical companies until she decided to leave the workplace and stay at home to help her two kids navigate life.